Texarkana Crime Map And Statistics
We all wonder if our neighborhood is a secure neighborhood, but how will yours compare with the surrounding municipality? Check out our Texarkana crime map and see the amount of incidents in Texarkana. Then get some tips to make your family and neighborhood more safe and secure.
Texarkana Crime Map
Our Texarkana Crime Map gives a round-up of overall crime in the city. Brighter squares indicate a larger concentration of incidences in relation to the surrounding city limits. Zoom in and out by using the - and + buttons, respectively.
Common Tips On How To Help Make Your Street Safer
Even though transgressions will always occur, there's a few easy things you should do in the name of your street’s safety. Check out these five easy tips so you can keep your community both inviting and secure.
Know your community: The more you talk to different community members, the easier it will be to look out for one another. Many communities in Texarkana have even started a formal neighborhood watch.
Get a monitored security system: If a burglar trips a high-decibel alarm, it may dissuade them from casing around that same street for a while. Your outside security cameras may also spot people cutting through your lawn when escaping from a thwarted break-in.
Keep items out of sight in your car: Leaving your wallet, iPad, or phone in the car can be a reason for a vehicular break-in. Try to remember to bring in expensive items or store them in a safe place like in a console compartment or trunk.
Hang outside motion lighting: Light keeps a thief off guard. By putting up motion lighting over a deck or a back doorway, you could scare off a break-in before it starts.
Tell trusted people when you’re out of town: Let a trusted neighbor know when you’re away to visit relatives, and leave them a spare key or door lock code to check-in periodically. Although, don’t post vacation plans to public social media sites if at all possible.
Have Secure24 Alarm Systems Help Your Family Stay Safe And Efficient
When you want a monitored security system to help keep your house safe from burglary, fire, or other emergencies, contact Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll describe your home security and efficiency components and can help you personalize the best system for your home’s needs. Just contact (870) 705-5023 or complete the form below.